We are trusted partners in education who help build passionate school communities through community engagement, strategic planning, and individual coaching.
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Collective Wisdom  through Community Engagement 

We believe in education and we know how hard it is to be a leader in education in today’s world. We partner with schools and communities to help solve their challenges and implement meaningful solutions.  We facilitate conversations that connect people and identify what is most important to the community.  Leaders and community members can listen deeply to one another so that everyone feels purposeful, connected, and appreciated.  Leaders receive actionable information and the community trusts that their voice was heard.


We know that every school leader has a compelling vision for leading their school  community forward.  We also know that every community wants to believe in a shared vision of success for all students.  We can help you listen, learn, and lead forward together.
Get Started Today

Your facilitator was impressive.  He stayed on task, on schedule, and respected everyone’s opinions.  I think he got a lot out of the meeting, as did I. I think I stay pretty attuned to the workings of the school yet I learned much.

A Community Engagement participant

Keith listened to our needs and laid out a very specific plan. I am most impressed with his communication, organization and professionalism in executing the plan. The school leaders feel very much a part of the process and we believe that the partnership with EK Education Partners will help us achieve the outcomes we are looking for.

From Tara Leen, Advancement Director, Covington Catholic High School

Start Building Your Passionate School Community  Today!

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